Charity Support

Liverpool Women's Hospital

One of my contacts at Liverpool Women's Hospital mentioned to me in a conversation that they had ran really low on products like hand sanitiser, shower gel and even snacks for the front line staff, as it was providing difficult to grab something quickly to eat while wearing PPE and it was practically impossible to get off site and buy anything quickly. 

The nurses, midwives and doctors have been working incredibly hard to manage the impact of coronavirus on everyone who needs their services. Things like pregnancy and childbirth pose unique challenges for Liverpool Women's Hospital in keeping both mum and baby healthy, as well as staff being protected from this disease.

I have to say, it's been an honour and a pleasure to work alongside family and friends to raise a good amount of money which will help us to support Liverpool Women's Hospital and Clinical Staff in the best way possible; by looking after their own welfare so they can continue to make a difference to people's lives at this difficult time. 

I wanted to thank some local suppliers who allowed us to buy products in bulk, a special mention to Fidlock Essentials and CL Distribution who gave me access to Hand Sanitisers, Home and Bargain on Allteron Road who stepped in without hesitation to sell us a range of supplied, knowing it was going to a great cause. 

Crudden Financial Planning wants to thank everyone involved from the bottom of our hearts.